Vivosun VGrow Smart Grow Box - New Arrivals March Mega Sale 2025 – Up to 40% OFF
March Mega Sale 2025 – Up to 40% OFF

Organic Gardening Solutions (OGS) | Hydro Experts

Limited Batch, Hand Crafted, Artisan Quality compost & gardening products. Buy it online with the authorised seller, Hydro Experts. Throw away the nasty chemicals and enjoy organic gardening solution success using our products. It's a win for you and the environment! Hydro Experts has the best range with the lowest prices on all products. Visit in-store or order online at and get free delivery over $499. Only at HYDRO EXPERTS!


54 Products

Q: Do I need to add additional ingredients, or cook your compost mixes?

A: No! Our Compost Mixes are already completely cooked and ready for you to use immediately.

Q: Do your compost blends require any additional nutrients?

A: Our compost blends have been designed to allow incredible results with water only, however, they are also completely customisable to your style! You are able to do whatever topdressing, mulching or companion planting you wish, and tailor our soil to your specific liking. 

Q: How much compost do I get per bag?

A: We ship our soil in approximately 23L bags, however, this does not reflect the true volume of the medium at all. You will need to mix the compost blends in a 1:1:1 ratio of Compost: Coco Coir: Aeration (Pumice or Perlite), which will result in an approximate end volume of 70L. 

Q: How do I use the 'SuperSoil' mix?

A: Our 'SuperSoil' mix is an extremely nutrient-dense compost mix. We recommend that you only fill the bottom 1/2 of the pot with 'SuperSoil' and then place a 2-3cm layer of potting mix on top (minimum). After this, you can transplant into the pot and fill the surrounding space with regular potting mix or worm castings (vermicompost). We need to strongly suggest that you never allow the roots of a freshly transplanted rootball to come into direct contact with SuperSoil. 

Q: How do I use the 'Coots' Compost Mix?

A: The 'Coots' blend is designed to be milder in nutrients than our SuperSoil blend. We advise that you transplant into the 'Coots' Compost Mix shortly after a plant's root system is established, however, we have heard of people germinating directly into Coots. 

Q: Do you offer consultation services? 

A: Yes, we do! We work in conjunction with several of Australia's leading soil laboratories to offer a wide range of soil analysis, as well as troubleshooting and optimization reports. Contact us for more information.