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Canna Coco A+B (1LSet) + Rhizotonics + Cannazym + PK 13/14 + Boost 250ML Set

Eco-Friendly | Effortless Cultivation





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CANNA Coco A & B

  • CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering.
  • Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn't have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. We can't make things easier! CANNA COCO is easy to use, dissolves directly and is extremely suitable for growing in all watering systems, like for example 'run-to-waste' systems, flood systems and ebb and flow systems.
  • Rich in high-value elements
  • After years of research into potting mixes, drainage and leaf analysis, CANNA has succeeded in being the first to develop a fertiliser that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of cocos substrates. CANNA COCO is composed of high value minerals. CANNA COCO contains natural chelates, humic and fulvic acids which give the plant optimum nutrient absorption. Growers throughout the world have been enthusiastic for years about the explosive growth and profuse flowering with CANNA COCO.

Why A&B nutrients?

CANNA COCO nutrients consist of two parts, an A part and a B part. We separate these parts for a reason. As it happens, if some of the elements in part A and B are thrown together at the same time, they clog together. The plant cannot absorb this. That's why you should first add the A component and then 


CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and activates beneficial micro-organisms. CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases. Enzymes are substances that speed up the reactions in living organisms. For example, enzymes play a vital role in our digestion.

CANNAZYM is indispensable if you are going to reuse substrates for growing. The root remains will be rapidly broken down and transformed into advantageous nutrients; infections will be prevented and the air/water relation in the root environment will be improved. You can use CANNAZYM during the whole growth cycle.

CANNA BOOST Accelerator

CANNABOOST Accelerator boosts the metabolism of your plants. This is important because the uptake of nutrients depends greatly on the plant's health and metabolism rate. CANNABOOST is specially developed for short cycle plant varieties.

Most boosters are just additional nutrients. True boosters like CANNABOOST however really boost the metabolism of a plant and makes it more healthy. CANNABOOST is 'the new boost generation'.

With this product, we have again proved that Quality proves itself!


CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a powerful, algae based, vegetative stimulator for plant roots. It contains multiple vitamins and is 100% natural. RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably speed up the growth of a balanced root environment.

Furthermore, RHIZOTONIC is often sprayed on leaves and can be used as a simple means for raising the pH level in fertiliser tanks.

RHIZOTONIC can be used regardless of the type of medium. It is suitable for cultivation in the potting mix and hydroculture. You can use it during the whole growth cycle. From seed to harvest!

CANNA PK 13/14

If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, CANNA PK 13/14 is the right product for you. CANNA PK 13/14 is a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering. It's easy to use and makes for high yields. PK 13/14 is suitable for any growing medium. Furthermore, it only needs to be applied once to the nutrient reservoir. If you do this at the right moment, you will get astonishing results!



Coco growers that really want the best of the best choose CANNA COCO. It is a sophisticated combination of high value coco substrates and fertilisers that guarantee the best results.

  • CANNA COCO stimulates root development

CANNA COCO substrate is more airy than for example potting mix. This means there is more room for rooting and plants get much more oxygen. This stimulates growth and bloom and produces bigger yields.

  • Useful micro organisms that combat root rot

CANNA COCO is the only unsteamed R.H.P. certified coco substrate in the world. Because of this, CANNA COCO contains a very high proportion of useful micro organisms, including Trichoderma. Trichoderma combats root rot and other plant diseases. It is also well-known for promoting root growth.

Other R.H.P. certified substrates are treated with steam, which kills this protective organism and disrupts the natural balance.

  • Eco-friendly

CANNA COCO substrate is environmentally friendly. No energy wasting production methods are used during the production of this long-lasting, cultivation substrate. Coconut fibres are obtained from the coconut husks which are a natural product that can be harvested throughout the year.

  • Effortless cultivation

It's easy to grow on CANNA COCO. All the nutritional elements for the growing and flowering phase are present in the CANNA COCO A & B nutrients. Due to the unique buffering capability of the CANNA COCO substrate (it binds nutrients and releases them), and its sponge-like structure, the nutrients needed to ensure high yields are stored in the coco. This means that the plant itself can regulate the amount and timing of its nutrient intake.

  • CANNA COCO stores water and nutrients

Coconut fibres have sufficient capillary action to retain enough water and nutrients. This means that the plant can go for longer periods without water, which could happen if a feeding pump was to break down for example.


  • They turn dead roots into minerals and sugars. This is important, because these minerals and sugars make up a valuable source of nutrients for the plant. CANNAZYM consists of more than 12 different kinds of enzymes to which vitamins and extracts of desert plants are added. These elements improve the uptake of nutrients and the plant's defence system. Also, vitamins stimulate the production of hormones.
  • They help form new roots. The easy-to-absorb vitamins in CANNAZYM also stimulate the plant to form new roots. This increases the health of the plant.
  • CANNAZYM prevents bacteria and harmful mould. Dead roots form an ideal environment for moulds. They are a threat to the healthy roots. The moulds cause stress to the entire plant and stunts any new growth. Also, CANNAZYM prevents rotting, so there is no formation of toxic substances and the risk of a disease is considerably reduced.
  • CANNAZYM improves the soil environment. A fast breakdown of root remains creates a balanced hydrological regime and good aeration in the root environment.

CANNA BOOST Accelerator

  • Better Yield

CANNABOOST stimulates the development of new flowers. Because of this the fruits can become heavier than normal. Since the ripening of the fruits also proceeds more gradually, it results in a more uniform harvest. Something very special about CANNABOOST is that it s not just a guarantee for higher yields but the taste is also guaranteed to be better. Something extra for the CANNA grower!

  • Suitable for use with all growing mediums and substrates

CANNABOOST is a universal flowering stimulator, which is to say that it can be used with any growing system and in combination with any feeding with no exceptions. As well as adding CANNABOOST to the substrate it can also be used as a leaf spray (foliar feeding). The advantage of this is that the plant can absorb the flowering stimulator directly through its leaves.

  • Even higher yields in combination with PK 13/14

CANNABOOST isn t a nutrient, but an additive that increases the plant s photosynthesis (one of the reactions that make up a plant's metabolism). This increase ensures that the fruits are formed faster. The availability of nutrients is very important for achieving optimum results with CANNABOOST. The availability of all nutrients is guaranteed with CANNA feeding. Even better results can be achieved using the trusted CANNA feeding in combination with CANNA PK 13/14. This is because PK 13/14 provides the plant with extra flowering elements while CANNABOOST ensures that there s the energy to be able to use these elements.

  • Better ripening and strengthened immune system

CANNABOOST contains flowering stimulators that ensure powerful ripening. It also contains natural flowering regulators that help develop fruit more uniformly and finish flowering more strongly. Thanks to the improved energy regulation the plant also has sufficient energy to resist diseases. If there is no energy at the correct place diseases will often strike, just at the moment when it is disastrous for the harvest.

  • Fuller, more powerful taste

With CANNABOOST you are guaranteed both a higher yield and an exceptional taste. A good harvest isn t just expressed in terms of weight these days. Quality is starting to play a more important role and this also means taste is becoming more important. Increasing the speed of photosynthesis greatly increases the sugar production in the fruits. This makes the taste sweeter and the natural flavours in the fruits will be produced in higher concentrations. The stronger smell of the essential oils in the fruits speaks volumes.


  • Stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants. Besides stimulating root growth on plants that are already rooted, RHIZOTONIC also stimulates new root growth on cuttings and transplants. The various trace elements and vitamins such as B1&B2 stimulate the production of hormones and root growth, thus providing beautiful, strong white roots.
  • Speeds up the germination process when used to soak seeds prior to planting. If you dilute RHIZOTONIC (40ml/10 litre), you can use it to soak seeds. RHIZOTONIC softens up the seed skin, making it easier for the seed to burst and germinate.
  • Enhances overall plant growth and chemical reactions in the plant to ensure a healthier, powerful and stronger plant. Good results start with a healthy plant. Because RHIZOTONIC stimulates root growth, it improves the strength of a plant. This is especially important during the first weeks of a plant's life, since young plants are the most vulnerable. RHIZOTONIC stimulates further root development, increases the plant s resistance to diseases and promotes its inner and outer strength.
  • Aids in the recovery process of any plant or cutting that has been subjected to stress in any way whatsoever. Many growers agree that plants recover much quicker from stress situations if the leaves have been sprayed with RHIZOTONIC. Such stress situations could for example occur during transport and re-potting plants. RHIZOTONIC will also improve plants that are unhealthy or poorly developed.

CANNA PK 13/14

Pure elements to stimulate flowering

  • CANNA PK 13/14 is a high grade mixture of phosphorus and potassium that is added during the flowering phase. Both elements play a big role during the generative phase of plants. Thanks to a special production process CANNA has succeeded in combining pure phosphorous and potassium in very high concentrations. This makes PK 13/14 available to the plant quickly and directly.

Phosphorous (P) 

  • is a macro nutritional element for every plant. It plays a key role in metabolism and energy transfer. In the flowering phase, extra phosphorous is needed. Phosphorous strengthens cell formation in flowers, among other things.

Potassium (K) 

  • is also a macro nutritional element. It is found throughout the plant and is necessary for a lot of its activities. It is essential for transporting water and nutrition (sieve vessels) and it is responsible for the plant s quality and rigidity. In addition to this, it controls countless other processes such as sugar production. Potassium ensures that the plant can produce enough sugars during flowering, which are essential for the development of the flowers.

Perfect combination with CANNABOOST 

  • There comes a moment during the plant s development when the need for phosphorous and potassium increases greatly. If CANNA PK 13/14 is given at this moment you will satisfy the flowering plant s increased needs and the fruits will achieve maximum development. CANNABOOST enhances the metabolism and has a strengthening effect on PK 13/14. This perfect combination will cause the plant to flower more lavishly.

Suitable for every medium

  • PK 13/14 is used with every medium and consequently it is used for cultivation on soil, in recirculating systems, when cultivating on coco and in run-to-waste systems. PK 13/14 is suitable for use when cultivating both indoors and outdoors.

In The Box

  • [1] x Canna Coco A 1L
  • [1] x Canna Coco B 1L
  • [1] x Canna Boost Accelerator 250ML
  • [1] x Canna Rhizotonic 250ML
  • [1] x Canna Cannazym 250ML
  • [1] x Canna PK 13/14 250ML
  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Fill nutrient reservoir with water
  • Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:25 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). Add CANNA COCO A to the nutrient reservoir Stir well, then add CANNA Coco B Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
  • The EC of Coco dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1.2 - 2.3 mS/cm2 (= the solution EC + the water EC)
  • Recommended pH: 5.5 - 6.2

CANNA only works with high-graded nutrients and chelates, which are immediately and completely available for the plant. The bottle is made of polyethylene (PVC and cadmium free), an easily biodegradable and recyclable plastic.