Vivosun VGrow Smart Grow Box - New Arrivals Expert's Choice

Instrument Calibration & Care

Whether in the soil, water or a hydroponic solution, measuring pH levels is a critical aspect of successful gardening. Healthy plant growth depends on properly synthesizing the perfect environment for your fruits, veggies and decorative plants. And just as correcting the pH level in soil or water can help a plant thrive, an incorrect pH level can lead to disease or potential death. 

We sell high-quality portable meters such as EC/TDS Meters, pH Meters and hydroponic nutrients for your hydroponic growing systems. Visit in-store or order online at and get free delivery over $499. Only at HYDRO EXPERTS!

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Bluelab pH Probe KCI Storage Solution - 120ML / 250ML

Bluelab Probe Care Kit - pH

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