Green House Powder Feeding: Simplify Plant Nutrition
By ElVincent
Green House Powder Feeding,The Dutch seedbank Green House Seeds Company wants everyone to enjoy its indoor growing at maximum, from germination to smoking, and so has released a very easy to use and dose line of nutrition products for plants, which includes all the fertilization plan in one product. Thus, Powder Feeding nutrients are born, mineral fertilizers containing diverse NPK levels, designed to be easily dissolved in water, and thus water our plants in all kinds of substrates: coco, soil or hydroponics. This way, all the needed elements for our plants development are released, from young plants to harvesting; just adjust the amount of grams per liter or measure the amount of salts in the nutrient solution with an EC meter . Let us see the interview below with Green House Seeds Company marketing staff Benoît. How did he say? |
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Hello Ben, could you introduce yourself briefly to Hortinews readers?
My name is Benoît, I am working for Green House since 7 years, and especially for Powder Feeding since 3 years now. I am taking care of the French and Belgian market. I introduced Power Feeding in France. I did work in this field for several years. I also got some forestry tech skills which helps about growing and taking care of trees. For some personal reasons I moved to Netherland. My passion for gardening led me into this new professional career which is something i really appreciate.
What's the goal of Green House Powder Feeding?
Our company vision wish to provide a new unique solution for users. As you know, all fertilizers are composed by many bottles of different type. Obviously it is not a simple task to use them. Powder Feeding's purpose is to provide a single product with could satisfy all plant nutrition.
Why did you choose to make a powder fertilizer instead of a liquid one? Have you ever worked an"all in one" liquid product?
Making a powder type has many benefits. First, cost is reduced because we do not use water, and our product is more concentrated and lighter. Second, it will extend storage time both for shops and customers: no worries for expiry date anymore!!! It's very convenient for customers to buy one kilo of powder in a small bag rather than a 1000-liter bottle of liquid. We could have produced an "all in one" liquid product but it would have driven away our principle of "being simple". Not to mention that there are already a few all in one liquid products in the market. We prefer to bring up a new idea.
Do your products work well for soil, coco and in hydroponic system?
Yes! It works for soil, hydroponic, aeroponic. It works very well in all of those.
Powder Feeding proposes three types of fertilizer. You put the same fertilizer from the beginning to the end for plant. Some says that the easiness of your nutrition schedule is undermining efficiency ?
Actually we have four types of powder nutrients, not three. You forgot the"Grow" that is not necessarily a growth fertilizer but rather a fertilizer for plants in vegetative phase. As to your question: will the product undermine the effectiveness? My answer is: not at all. All the feedbacks I read from people using our products are positive. We didn't saw any difference with other fertilizers. It works pretty well in optimal growing conditions. With a simple and effective product like ours, people can focus their attention to growing conditions and their choice of genetic. Many growshops have samples available, I encourage people to try and compare our product with other brands.
Many gardeners use fertilizer PK 13/14 in blooming stage, is it possible to combine a PK booster with your product? Or the accumulation of leftover P and K in the substrate of a plant in growing stage will make a big boost in flowering stage, and will be sufficient enough/equivalent ?
We are working right now on a bloom booster and it should be ready in the upcoming months. We are testing different formulas that might adapt perfectly to Powder Feeding. Even though our "all in one" fertilizer works well alone, but people still want to have more. They can use other PK for example "Massive Bloom from Hydro-Passion" or "Atami BloomBastic", but they need to be careful. Our product is already a complete fertilizer, you can add boosters if you want but you must control EC and do not add unnecessary products. Using some elements excessively could block the effect of another element, so further, prevent the assimilation of plant: too much phosphorus prevents the absorption of zinc; too much potassium prevents the absorption of magnesium and manganese. You should always pay attention when you mix different products!!! It is a very common problem that has been spotted in many farmers. When people use a complete product line (regardless the brand) they can avoid the problem. But if they start mixing different products that are not supposed to work accordingly, they better know how to control the whole process. On the other hand, growers can use additives with our nutrient schedule without any issues: enzymes, root stimulators, sugars, mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria. I also encourage people to always monitor and adjust PH (after adjusting EC). Often high PH is the cause of issues, like blocking absorption of an element, even though you have put it.
Powder Feeding containing no calcium, if used with very soft water (-0.3EC), RO water or rainwater, it is necessary to add calcium. We are probably one of the few companies which propose calcium in a chelated/powder form. Other brands offer the calcium as calcium nitrate or calcium carbonate that react with phosphorus when they are mixed in nutrient solution. That's why most of the other brands have calcium and magnesium in separate containers or divided the basic nutrients in two bottles (A+B).
Our calcium chelated form does not react with phosphorus, which makes those two elements being rapidly assimilated by plants. We are also working on some organic products and various additives. We just finished setting up a research program to improve our products and innovate. Besides easiness of Green House powder feeding, it provides many different types of nutrients in a balanced solution, perfectly suited to the specific needs of our plants. Speaking of success, some other brands are starting to launch powdery nutrients or simply copying our products !!!